الخميس، 11 يونيو 2015

We read you loud and clear my dear Mr. Obama

Ever since January 2011 Egypt embarked “by American design and management” on a spree of argumentative rhetorical encounters on the talk shows intended to minimize the signal/noise ratio. Thus, the prevailing uninterrupted noise prevented the Egyptian society from reaching normalcy.
At the beginning, unknown Muslim Brotherhood members - now known and in foreign refuge - took active part. This destructive task is now reassigned to American-paid and supervised stooges in the Egyptian media. After the glorious 30 June uprising by the Egyptian People, you had to reconsider your strategy, but not your strategic objective.

Expansionist Turkey is now leading the Syrian operation under American command and using Qatari finance to export an American product, DAISH, which streamed into Syria in long columns of heavily armed uniform 4-wheeldirve Toyota pickups to get the entire regional job done. No wonder; turkey has had ample experience!
The Syrian traitors living abroad in the luxury of 5-star hotels provide cover-up for yet another dimension of a fascist crime against humanity as mercenaries slaughter Syrians and level towns and while their “dear friend and ally” the Turkish Prime Minister infringes Syrian territory uninvited to visit a Turkish shrine.

The Arabs have already lost the Arab-American wrestling match by points. However, this is never enough for our “dear” “friends and allies” in the Zionist American establishment; they must win by pinning and bankrupting their “stupid” opponents.

Now, Sudan and Somalia have been shattered, Iraq is already pinned. Syria, Libya and Yemen are on the verge of being pinned and the GCC States have been invited to Camp David to “empty their pockets” and ultimately “trash” them.

Algeria and Morocco have been temporarily sidelined and Egypt and Tunis have narrowly escaped the same fate unexpectedly, but they are still under attack. We realize that to be defeated, Egypt will never be allowed to reach a state of mental equilibrium. We must fight back. The American stooges - Muslim Brothers and otherwise - must be eliminated before any talk about “human rights” and "civil rights."

Yet, you wonder; why do those people dislike us? It is your hostility…!
Medhat Bakri

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